My calf muscle problem... is a problem again. Didn't want to say anything (hoping that by not talking about it, it would go away) but on my 1 hour run last Sunday, I tweaked it.
I was jogging along a street on a mild downhill incline and I spotted something out of the corner of my left eye. It was nothing... just something that caused me to twist my body to my left while bringing my left leg down onto the ground and thereby twisting it too. And that was enough to feel a fairly sharp pain in my calf muscle. I was able to jog on, but only by taking shorter stride lengths.
I went for my last, gentle, pre-marathon run this morning (5 days after the above), and I could feel the calf muscle niggling away in the background, taunting me to run a bit harder so that it could give me a full-on TWANG.
On one level I'm incredibly annoyed and frustrated, for obvious reasons... like, I don't know, running a marathon in less than 36 hours. Yeh, that could be it.
On another, I don't care. I'm "bored" of getting injured. There's no time to do anything about it, so it's time to just suck it up, and get on with it. It's a feeling of resignation, of acceptance.
Other than RICE between now and the start of the marathon (which might help a tad), I plan to strap my calf very heavily on race day. Bring it on. Worst case - I walk the remainder of the course. So long as I don't take longer than 6 hours I won't get disqualified for being too slow.
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